Before and After School Care
Aveley OSHClub
Ph: 0429 605 562 Email:
Before School Care 6:30am to 8:45am
After School Care 2:55pm to 6:00pm (Mon, Tues, Thur & Fri)
2:30pm to 6:00pm (Wed – early close)
Vacation Care 6:30am to 6:00pm
Welcome to OSHClub your Before & After School Care and Vacation Care provider.
OSHClub works in partnership with Aveley Primary School to provide Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services to the school community. We pride ourselves on providing children with fun, play based learning experiences. From exciting activities and healthy nutritious food to caring motivated team members, the service meets all your children’s needs.
What happens at OSHClub?
We provide a range of activities for all ages including arts and crafts, games, sports, drama, board games, dress ups, cooking activities and fun social time with friends. On request from parents, during term time children can also participate in Homework Club. The service provides breakfast at Before School Care and afternoon tea at After School Care.
Our team
Your children are in the care of our qualified and experienced team members who have a current Working with Children check and are trained in First Aid, CPR, Asthma and Anaphylaxis.
How to enrol and book
An online OSHClub enrolment form must be completed via prior to your child’s first attendance. Once enrolled with OSHClub, you can log into your account and book the sessions you require.
Further information
For more information, please visit our website or call our Customer Service Team on 1300 395 735.
We look forward to welcoming your children to OSHClub